Friday, August 31, 2012

Female Ejaculation

Let me get started by saying that I am an ejaculating female. So anything that I say here that may make any other females out there that ejaculate feel uncomfortable or make them worry completely applies to myself as well as them. I will also say I fully believe that the fluid we ejaculate isn't solely urine and is a unique fluid produced from the  Skene's glands during orgasm

Ok onto the big questions. What exactly is female ejaculation? To put it simply, squirting/gushing is a fluid release that happens before,during, and possibly after the female orgasm. The fluid itself has been at the center of an ongoing debate in the scientific world for some time now. Some say that it is mostly a “stress induced incontinence” however upon further study it was found that the majority of women that reported ejaculation didn't have issues with incontinence in any other time of their daily lives. I myself would fall into this category. Further studies of the fluid found that there were some components of urine in the fluid but it wasn't solely composed of urine. Doctors now believe that it is the  Skene's glands that are making the fluid. They are very closely mingled with the urinary tract so it does make it hard to study. One experiment used a chemical called methylene blue which dyes the urine. After orgasm the chemical was found in her urine, but only in trace amounts in the ejaculated fluid. So I feel it is safe to say that the fluid is different from urine and should not be treated as such.

If all women have the same parts why don't all women ejaculate? Well for the same reason not all vaginas look the same or have the same level of sensitivity. Yes we all have the same basic build, but our genetics make us all work a little differently. Some people believe squirting can be taught and has a lot to do with the comfort level a woman has with her partner. I happen to agree with this idea. If you want to lean how to do this here is what I think is an affective method of training your body to do so. You will need to simultaneously stimulate your clitoris and your G-spot. However the G-spot is the most important part. If you don't know for most women it can be located inside, at the front of the vagina. Pressure here may cause you to have the sensation of needing to pee because it is located near those  Skene's glands, but don't let it hold you back. While you or you and your partner, or you and your toys are going for it when you feel you are about to orgasm instead of squeezing in with your pelvic floor muscles, as most of us do, push out and let it flow. I have to say from personal experience its one of the best feeling ever.

How much fluid will their be? Again its different for every woman, but the doctors say the
 Skene's glands can excreting 30–50 mL (6–10 tsp) in 30–50 seconds. However I will say it is unclear how this was measured so take it with a grain of salt. So to say the least it could be a lot of fluid and if you are capable of multiple orgasms, like myself, it could be a lot more than that. There have been days and nights when I get out of bed and look at all the come and there is a three foot or larger puddle where I was just laying. Its crazy and awesome and sometimes cold lol. I want to stress this is nothing to be ashamed of. I have on occasion taken pictures of my sexy messes because the are so awesome.

What are the social implications of female ejaculation? For most women they think they have just peed all over their partner and are embarrassed. So in future encounters they hold back and some times keep themselves from orgasm all together. Shame is a huge motivator and it tends to keep us from having the good things in life and this is no different. Some women may even keep themselves from having intimate relationships all together. This breaks my heart. When I think back to the first time I did it I had no idea what happened I was freaking out I thought I just ruined this person's couch and it was the fist time we had sex. When we both got up he looked at me and said did you know you could do this? I said “do what?” He explained squirting to me and told me he loved it and thought it was awesome. If this had not been my experience I don't know what I would have done (a year and a half later I married him). This is a natural biological happening and should be celebrated for what it is a surrender to the pleasures our bodies can give us. The female body and its functions have long been viewed a gross and women have been treated badly, to say the least, because of this. Acceptance of this particular bodily function into “normality” and becoming viewed as just another awesome thing a woman’s bodies can do is important to me because I do it and its awesome. No woman should be ashamed of what her body can do, especially when its an expression of sexual pleasure.