Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day

 This weekend is a weekend to remember those in service to this country, fighting for our rights and freedoms we all enjoy. At least that is what we are all told and maybe that is what it once was, it's not about that anymore.
All I can think of or remember is the thousands of men, women, and children that are dead or dying in this needless sham of a terror war that we are currently engaged in. There have been so many civilians killed in the last 10 years of this 'war', it's heart breaking, most of them killed in those wonderful unmanned drone attacks. They say that they “save” Americans but the “collateral damage” is counted by the deaths of innocent civilian children. In Iraq alone, according to the Iraq Body Count Project, since 2003 to 2011 there have been 89,185 civilian deaths.
From the beginning this war has been about money, oil, and pride. It has never had anything to do with American safety. We have known from the start that the great majority of the terrorists that flew those planes into the trade centers were from Saudi Arabia, but did we go to war with them? No. Why, because we have this deal with them to supply our oil habit. It's no wonder why the people of Saudi Arabia hate America. We prop up one of the most oppressive, anti-human rights, theocratic governments in the world, but hey it's all good, they sell us oil.
The idea that the war we are fighting now is a fight for our rights and freedoms is laughable. How is this possible when all Americans aren't treated fairly or equally under the law? When there are laws being posed that would restrict a woman's access to birth control for religious reasons. Or the laws that are attempting to restrict a woman's right to choose what to keep in her body for religious reasons. Or the laws that would prosecute a woman for miscarrying they fetus she was attempting to carry for religious reasons. Or the wonderful purposed idea that would force a woman to carry to term a fetus that is dead the way farm animals are forced to.
Then there is the fact that in 33 states a gay couple cannot get a government issued legal document of marriage for religious reasons. Maybe the reason American politicians get along so well with Saudi Arabian officials is because they want to be just like them when they grow up. Just change the name of the god, and the holy book and there you go; Christian Sharia Law. Before long we will be locking up and executing people for not conforming to their ideas of religious laws. President Obama just this year signed the Nation Defense Authorization Act that make it possible for the government to arrest anyone, including American citizens, for being suspected of “terrorism”. Those legally defined terms can mean whatever the government wants it to. The NDAA would also let the government hold that person without telling them what they have been charged with for as long as they want and then try and sentence them without their knowledge or input. Is is really that far of a stretch to see how this could so easily be abused?
George Carlin said, “Right aren't “rights” if someone can take them away- They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country: a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news, even badly, you know that the list gets shorter and shorter.” He is exactly right. What we call rights don't seem to be rights at all. They have been refused, taken away, and we have voted to give them away (though I didn't) out of fear and hatred. What we are working with now are only privileges and not every American is working with the same set of privileges. If this doesn't upset you I have to assume you are one of the many that have been brainwashed by the Republican party, Fox news and/or the church, and I am incredibly sad for you.
This is what floods my mind when I think about Memorial Day this year, unnecessary death and stolen rights. I don't see the point in celebrating, but I will take the day off to try and explain to my kids why voting is so important.

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